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CMH #66 Info


The 66th hangout will be:
Sunday, July 28th
from 11:30 until at least 2:30 (and likely later)

The meeting location.
We will meet at Freddie the public piano on JFK @ Blue Heron Lake Drive
[Google Maps Link]


You've reached the home of the Community Music Hangout!

The CMH is an open event; everyone is encouraged to participate in any way that comforts them.

I welcome smiling, singing, dancing, playing, or otherwise vibing! Bring instruments, bring songs! The CMH is for everyone, because I believe that everyone needs music!

With love,

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Let us bring the Hangout to your party. We'll create a collaborative and welcoming singalong / open mic for your community!

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Last time on Community Music Hangout

🎶 CMH #65 🎶

The Community Music Hangout gathered for the 65th edition of the Hang on Sunday, July 21st, 2024. The day was super soupy. At times in the early going, the top of Strawberry Hill was up in the lower reaches of the marine layer. I wasn’t sure how it was going to be at the piano, to be honest. Well, although the action on Freddie was sluggish and sticky, the day was otherwise cool, comfortable, and full of musical magic!
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However, when I parked the car up near the Heron Lake Boathouse I heard dance music coming from the direction of the piano. As I walked down to the piano, it became clear there was something big happening on JFK! I saw huge throngs of walkers wearing similar colored shirts, a wall of porta potties, orange bollards running down the center line, and, most distressing to your faithful author, a DJ with big ol’ speakers bathing the piano in unce.
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Google explained that this was the San Francisco AIDS walk, a charity event that’s only two years younger than I am. They’ve raised nearly $100 million in their time. Despite the music, which didn’t work for my park-morning mood, it was a beautiful scene of celebration! I loved it. Plus, a cool Park Ranger helped me understand that things would be wrapping up before too long. So, I parked myself on a bench nearby and enjoyed the scene. By 12:15, we were off and rolling in the usual fashion! Great job SF AIDS walk, you all looked beautiful.
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Then, it was time to play some music with / for the Community! First up we had some of our most stalwart Hangout members in Joe, Brian, and Kyle. Thanks for being foundational dudes, dudes. Next up, Benj and Mouse showed up! Great to see the two of you. We three worked together as part of the group of early arrivers at the Dolores Park Piano Day. Piano friends! Love having those.
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A little while later, I was doing my usual “does anybody out there player or sing?” shtick and a fella named Dave put his hand up. He sang a great rendition of Van Morrison’s “And it Stoned Me”. Nice! Next up, Jess biked up to the Hang. Nice to see ya! Coming up on Friday, Jess is hosting another edition of her show, Vibe at the Studio. Check it out! It’s sure to be a good time. Then, I looked up and saw Cynthia, who I hadn’t seen since CMH #12 (I looked it up, but we each guessed it was pre-20). Wow! It’s super fun to reconnect with folks at the Hangout. She played and sang great. Next, I was casting around for a piano player and Ryan walked into view. I think that’s happened before, too! Great stuff, Ryan.
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After that, I had a real win in the category of “aggressive inclusivity”. Ryan was on the piano and I was milling around when I saw a young woman with a guitar walking by, kind of looking interested, then looking away and walking off. I all but ran after her and shouted, “Hey! We’re jamming over here if you want to join.” She did! Her name was Liecie and she hadn’t played with other folks before, was a little intimidated by the crowd, was on her way to shying away from the Hangout. I’m not entirely sure how I picked up on those signals and can’t quite believe I basically chased her down, but I’m so so glad that I did. After she joined the jam, she was all smiles! And she sang and awesome rendition of “Karma Police”. That’s what the Hangout’s all about!
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Then, we met Dominic and he played some wonderful piano. And Leif + Emma biked up next! Awesome to see you guys as always. It was around this time that I was thinking I would pack up and head home. As often happens in that moment, we picked up some new players who added new energy! This time it was Morgan and Mark, with a banjo and a guitar. Really great energy, fellas! The combo of banjo + Lief’s rhythm uke playing was awesome.
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Finally, we closed it out with Aaron and Michael getting some last licks in. After spending 14 hours on Saturday traveling back to SF, and getting home late and jet lagged, I had told myself that CMH #65 would not be a long one. That, it turned out, was an obvious lie! It was after 4PM by the time I finally prized myself away from the piano. The vibes were EXCELLENT. Thanks as always to everyone who took part in the day. We’ll be back again for CMH #66 on Sunday, July 28th starting at 11:30 at the usual spot! See you there.
Read about previous hangouts