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Last time on Community Music Hangout

🎶 CMH #22 🎶

Community Music Hangout #22 met on Saturday, July 22nd, 2023 at the West Piano i.e. Carly. For the 23rd gathering, we were treated to quite possibly the best conditions of the year! Gosh it was nice out. And the piano was playing well. All the stars aligned for another magical day on the promenade.
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Early on in the day, we met Ray and his little guy Jackson. Jackson cheered us on between songs, which we loved! Then, we met Alicia and Max, and they were a fabulous audience. Great energy! And the day kept rolling along, as Nina was back again with her violin! Not only that, she brought a friend with—get this—a collapsible electric guitar that fits in a backpack! Nina gets top marks for her regular hangout attendance + bringing a new face to the hangout! That new fella was Ankur and he played great soulful guitar throughout the day.
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There were quite a few familiar faces at CMH #22. It’s a really great feeling to look around and see all these folks who were once strangers but are now musical friends! That’s what the Hangout is all about. You can come here and meet folks; you don’t have to know anybody; come as strangers, leave as musical friends! We had Kyle on bass and trombone! We had Paul on claviola and melodica! We had Nick on guitar! We had Sage on the vocals and puzzles! We had Brett on the poetry! Lief played some mandolin and some piano. Joe brought his cajon!
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We sang “Heard it Through the Grape Vine” with Betty, who is 89 years young and out on a walk. Way to be an inspiration, Betty! I hope I’m living in SF and walking out in the park when I’m 89, too! We also had Brian on the vocals! I took this silly video where I wondered around with my saxophone in one hand and my camera in the other while Brian was singing. Doesn’t he sound great?
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One of the great things about the Hangout is the way people can end up by chance and the wonderful stuff that happens as a result. In CMH #22, we managed to intercept John Elliot on his way to catch a ferry across the bay. He stayed for a few numbers, including this ripping rendition of Springsteen’s “Glory Days”. Check it out:
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Given the fabulous conditions and the beautiful quorum of musicians, it’s no surprise that we were out there until well after 5pm! By the time Rikki and I got back to the car, it had been 6 hours from the time we parked. It was a mega day of musical magic. I’m looking forward to seeing you all again when we meet next for CMH #23 on SUNDAY, July 30th at Carly i.e. the West Piano. See you there!
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Read about previous hangouts